iOS Pulse Oximetry App & Hardware

The customer required a fast proof of concept solution for a pulse oximetry (SpO2) application.

  • Bluetooth based hardware for capturing and transmitting SpO2 data
  • iOS application for display and recording SpO2 & Heart Rate
  • Embedded C Firmware
  • Battery-powered, rechargeable
  • Live updates to Firebase


Kelsec designed the solution using a Nordic SoC based module. The module contains the Nordic nRF51822 chipset (ARM Cortex M0) and is certified for FCC, CE, SIG.

  • Pulse Oximetry hardware was designed quickly using a Nonin module.
  • Kelsec created an iOS application for BLE communication with the board. The iOS application was written in Swift. The whole solution was ready in a matter of weeks.


  • Oxygen Level (SpO2) and Heart rate using finger pulse oximetry
  • Battery-powered, recharging using a micro USB connector
  • Led for status
  • iOS App running on iPhone, iPad. Display SpO2 level, Heart rate, and condition of the board.