Biometric Sensors & Controller for Motorsport
The customer in the Motosport racing industry wanted the fast delivery of a multi-sensors biometric controller. There were various requirements:
- ECG (Electrocardiogram) chest measurement with HRV (Heart Rate variability)
- High Impact shock detection
- Real-time updates with long-range Bluetooth wireless technology
- Encryption of biometric data
- Data transfer to car CANBus
- Data storage in internal memory
- Low-Power consumption using LiPo Battery
- Over-The-Air Firmware upgrade
- Small Footprint

Kelsec successfully designed the electronic, the PCB and the embedded firmware with the following techniques and technologies:
- To speed up development and obtain long-range Bluetooth wireless, Cypress Cyble 224116 was selected. Module with ARM microcontroller and PA/LNA (Power Amplifier, Low Noise Amplifier).
- Heart rate monitoring (ECG) was accomplished using the Maxim 30003 chipset. The Maxim 30003 provides clinical-grade ECG AFE, and the SPI interface handled the communication with the ARM microcontroller.
- CANBus communication implemented using Texas Instruments MCP2515 chipset. Real-time data transfer to the vehicle Canbus for further analysis.
- High impact detection handled by STMicroelectronics H3LIS331DL High-g triaxial accelerometer
All firmware in C :
- Data gathering (Ear Temp, Shock detection, ECG, movement,SpO2)
- OTA Firmware upgrade
- Configuration using BLE characteristic
- Data transmission using CANBUS and BLE
- Data Encryption
- Data recording in FRAM Memory